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Far West Local Health District has the highest proportion of Aboriginal people in our communities than any other LHD, making up 10.7% of our population. We currently also employ the highest proportion of Aboriginal staff than any other Local Health District in NSW.


Far West LHD understands that the engagement, support and growth of the Aboriginal workforce in Far West is crucial to ensuring the delivery of effective and culturally safe health services for Aboriginal people across the District.

Our Aboriginal staff work in a number of roles in Aboriginal Health, sonography, liaison, transport, administration, nursing and medical.

The Far West LHD offers a supportive staff network for our Aboriginal staff to learn and discuss current issues, and our Aboriginal Workforce Strategy 2016 – 2019 outlines our key priorities for building and up skilling our Aboriginal workforce.


Stepping Up is an online recruitment resource specifically developed to support Aboriginal people who are interested in a career with NSW Health and the Far West LHD through the recruitment process.

To access the Stepping Up site, please CLICK HERE

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